About B+A
Benkendorfer+Associates is a full-service landscape architecture firm located in Austin, Texas. Our team is experienced in every stage of the development process. We work in a highly collaborative environment that focuses on creative, quality, and practical solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations.
At B+A, we pride ourselves on client satisfaction. In order to achieve results, we always “do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it.” It’s the mantra our company was founded upon and how our team operates. It may seem simple, but the simplicity of the phrase keeps us focused on delivering on our promise.
Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. Daryl Benkendorfer
Meet the team

Daryl Benkendorfer
Fearless leader with old-school values and a modern approach. He has a hand in all of B+A’s projects and places a premium on relationships with clients.
Orlando Torres
Enforcer of deadlines. He plays quality control manager and is constantly innovating on behalf of B+A (and its clients).
Luis Hidalgo
Networker extraordinaire and fashion guru who believes where there’s a will, there’s a way. Luis is always looking for new design ideas and loves designing spaces for people’s enjoyment.
Scott Scroggs
3D and QC whiz. He keeps everyone running on time and brings his good sense of humor to clients and the team.
We are looking for passionate, driven landscape architects to join our team. Please email us at info@benkendorfer-associates.com with your resume and portfolio. We'd love to get to know you.
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